New York is in its worst fiscal crisis in decades. The budget
has a $12 billion dollar gap. The governor says that he doesn’t
want to impose any job-killing taxes. But his proposed cuts
in healthcare, education, and more will cause even more job
losses, and his fees and hidden taxes fall disproportionately
on the backs of unemployed and low-income New Yorkers.
Join the New York Unemployment Project in
telling Governor Pataki and State Senators that there is another choice.
Call your state senator today!
What to say when you talk to your Senator: - Tell Senator your NAME & ADDRESS
- Let him/her know that you are concerned about the budget
- REQUEST ACTION: Be sure to include the following: "The
Families First Plan would close the budget gap and preserve
services for unemployed and working families. I urge
you to support the Families First Plan for residents of
- ASK FOR A RESPONSE: Specifically ask for a written response.
Take Action! For more information, call the New
York Unemployment Project at 212.625.0288.
Which would you chose to solve the
budget crisis?
- Eliminate funding for early childhood education and cut
our investment in schools from kindergarten through college.
- Make affordable health care harder for working families.
- Impose hidden taxes on all New Yorkers, disproportionately
on the middle class.|
- Force a raise in property taxes.
- Force layoffs of workers in the fields of Healthcare and
- Close corporate loopholes that allow big corporations to
avoid paying taxes on their profits.
- End the tax exemption for stock sales.
- Have millionaires and other wealthy New Yorkers pay a small
income tax surcharge.